Good writing in digital demand

In terms of democratic communication, we have never been on a more even playing field than now.

No longer is the right to the published word reserved for those who work in media, or those with enough funding to hire top communication professionals.

Social media has opened access to channels that previously didn’t exist.

But one thing hasn’t changed: the need for quality content, tailored to your target audience.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) goals may have impacted the words we choose, but quality, targeted writing hasn’t gone out of style.

Having launched Forward Communications in 2002, I’ve been fortunate to witness (and adjust to) the swift shift in content demand trends.

Back in 2002, I’d estimate that 90 per cent of our work consisted of media release generation and pitching to radio, TV, print and online media. The remaining 10 per cent of time was spent  producing copy for publications. For simplicity, I’m not including planning or strategy within these time segments.

Now, I’d estimate this has completely reversed. And by far, the digital word outnumbers the printed word.

For good reason.

The digital word is fast, updatable, movable, reusable and interestingly, more affordable, even for corporates on tight budgets or SMEs.

Email Marketing in the form of Enewsletters or Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) seem to deliver the most bang for customer buck. 

Just don’t forget to make sure your EDMs are coded correctly to be viewable across a range of email platforms including Outlook Express, Safari, Apple Mail and Entourage.

And do your research on the different CRM software programs available – Infusionsoft and Salesforce can pack quite the punch.

For those communications professionals willing to adjust, there’s never been a greater abundance of work prospects.

– Greer Quinn, Forward Communications

Forward Communications, Internal Communications, Writer, Copy Writer, Media Coverage, Public Relations, Media Campaign, Digital, copywriting, social media, Copy, in demand, blog, advice

Breaking the non-news


SMEs readying for ‘next level’