Newsletters aren’t the only way to communicate

Even though we recently wrote a blog highlighting the benefits of e-newsletters, it’s important to remember that newsletters/e-newsletters are not the ONLY method of communication, particularly in the context of internal communications.

Direct face-to-face speech, phone calls, meetings, emails, posters, social media, intranet, memos are all perfectly valid ways in which to communicate.

It’s important to consider the best ways in which to communicate with staff, particularly during times organisations are going through change.

Striking the balance between keeping staff informed and engaged and avoiding weighing staff down with unnecessary information is an art form in itself.

During organisational change, it’s often worthwhile to set up informal communications networks within the organisation to include non-communications/marketing teams, so that when information needs to be disseminated, it can be done via people who will automatically know how to tailor it to their colleagues. Remember, not everybody has a desk-based job, so important announcements may also need to be shared formally via meetings/direct communication.

If your organisation is going through a period of change we can tailor workshops to suit the varying needs of your organisation in practical and engaging ways.

Forward Communications, Media, Communications, Internal Communications, Corporate communications, Newsletters, e-newsletter, poster, social media, copy, copywriting

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